I am therefore I think

Friday, July 21, 2006

I am, thus I can

On 21st July 2006,

This blog is written on the outset of my stage in life, when I sometimes make myself so aloof from everyone and when I feel there are certain goals I have to achieve, certain targets I have set for myself to reach. I feel mocked down by problems, which were of most important nature to me. But now, I realise, they are actually petty things to what I should be thinking of, to what I should really think or ponder about.

And its written as a testimonial for myself, to know after many cycles later, whether I corrected my thoughts the right way or not.

This is another such night
when i sit down thinking all right,
that what is it, that life wants out of me
that what can i get out of it for me.

I dream to strike it big
to make my life story a big hit
My ambitions are those of a super-hero in a flick
To achieve those, I have a plan to stick.

Sometimes I see my peers around
who make most of life all time round
And sometimes I feel so left out
and feel I have lost before a single bout.

I know I need to aim high
I know I dream all out for the sky,
I think I am too weak and sly,
for I also know that I can't fly.

I have a plan in mind
to make small goals to which I will bind
I won't care what my peers do or think
I would in my terms, live life as vibrant as a sling.

Whatever it comes, I will fight hard
however it is, I will think smart
I will define what I am worth for,
I will live my dreams galore.


I know I have my loved ones
who stand by me all the time not once,
who are always my source of inspiration and hope,
for whom, me and my very presence is never a dope.

When I have them around with me
my all worries start betraying me,
and I thank god for blessing with with them
and my life and its journey begins a new journey then.

A journey that brings more satisfaction
a journey with fear and failures only a mere infatuation
I become more aware of my responsibilities and duties,
for I know there are people for me, with all their love and affection.

So, today as I sit down,
I vow to work hard and bring smiles for all of them,
To stop thinking of the world and work for them I will,
all the doubts and all the sorrows I have to kill.


Dear my loved ones,
many thanks to you for now and for all of the time span,
I promise to bring smiles for you and do my best always,
for its you who made me believe,

Dedicated to my loved ones, who have brought the courage, the will and the sense of responsibility and respect for myself and for them.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Dreams galore!

The ambiance and the setting was just perfect. I was here, sitting down under the fading lights of the old "Philips" bulb in my shabby hostel room (more because of my "strict" housekeeping habits). There were some dry biscuits on my table well complemented with stale water and thick 1000 or so pages books. Midnight well past, I was the last person keen on finishing my readings for the day, or for the night (well thats another paradox as it was supposedly night, well past midnight but the sun was seemingly much brighter than all the lights in my room combined and the moon... ah, it was amavasya (no-moon) night).

Just then, I wondered, why am I doing all this. Why do I need to work hard and long for something I want to achieve. Can't life be simpler?

People say, thats the lesson life teaches.

I say, why does life keep teaching me something I just don't want to learn.

And more food for thought gave me the burps of - "What will I be, what do I want to be, five years down the line?" And just then, I draw the curtains of my room, and in the cool and dim serenity of my room, I partly fall asleep. Well partly, coz while I am not actually sleeping, I fulfill the "dreaming" role of a sleep. And below is that magazine article, which publishes in the 10th Aug 2012 publication of Business World, a famous business magazine in India, which talks about what I am, what I have become, what I have achieved and what it took to achieve that.

As if dreams were all about fantasies and cupids!!!

The magazine article:
Trust this guy, he'll make you rich!

Aug 10, 2012 :

Today, for our “guest of honor” column, we highlight the career growth of Mr. Varun Ahuja, a renowned equity analyst and investment guru. He was recently accredited by Forbes, as the Financial Guru of the year 2012. In fact, many people in the financial world say he is bound to be the Indian version of Warren Buffet. Varun has worked for 4 years with MyMoney Financial Services, an equity research firm which has been a meteoric rise in its popularity and value ($1.5b) and has developed (through Varun), one of the most innovative and best-performing funds of all times, the MyMoney NewIndia Fund, which had the stocks in the growth sectors in India, such as infrastructure and textiles and which saw its NAV rise by 8000% in just 2 years. Currently, he is the chief analyst of the firm and fund manager of the company’s Mutual Fund division

However, not everything has been so rosy about the career of Mr. Varun. He left his job with Tata Motors, as a Finance Manager, which he got after his MBA. His ambition and career interests were towards investments, equity research and i-banking. He left the job with a plum salary and joined his friend’s small time equity research firm. His hard work in that firm was shown when he managed to add more than 200 new clients in just 1 year from all around India and abroad.

Says Mr. ABC, his collegue, “There are so many instances, when I saw Varun in office overnight, studying the world markets, before finalizing of portfolios of our mutual funds”. Also, there were some crucial decisions he took, such as the famous “Mehta scam”, where he almost lost his job, when he opposed his fund manager, Mr. Arshad Mehta, the unethical use of insider information to take company positions in various vulnerable stocks.

The last few years have been historic for the Indian Capital Market. The reforms process has catalyzed the growth and efficiency of the Indian capital markets and thus despite the last 2 yrs of bull run, lead by textile, infrastructure and power firms, there have been no scams or irregularities seen in the market. Also, the more robust and mature SEZ policy of the govt has ensured cities like Surat and Ranchi (made complete SEZs) bring as much FDI as the whole of India attracted some 5 years back.

Says Mr. Rahul, MD, MyMoney Services, “Varun has the habit of taking calculated risks. I have so many instances to remember, when we have endlessly fought over certain key issues such as new sectors to target and companies to invest in. There is not just one single occasion when he has gone against me, betting on his strong belief and meticulous hard work and calculations.

Truly, Varun Ahuja has shown whld at it takes to become a successful man, and how to nurture your dreams, and work towards them. In his words, “What lies before you and what lies behind you are trivial things, to what lies within you”.

I realise that its easy to dream all this and then happily forget it. But then, if we don't dream, how will we know what we want, or what we should aim for. "

But honestly speaking, I don't just to dream this. Check this out:

A father killed himself, after having the biggest of houses in London and the best of luxuries he aspired for." He wrote in his last letter - I have achieved what I aimed for in life. Now that I don't have any aim in life left, why not leave life now?"

His son, thought of dreaming something which he could never achieve in that case.

He dreamt to make every human on earth, know about every other person and every other happening on earth. And he knew dreaming this, while he would never take his own life, he would most certainly earn fortunes trying to fulfill his dream.

That man was none other than Ted Turner, founder, CNN news services.

This is the power of dreaming and "yeh hai meri kahaani, khaamosh zindagaani"! (Translated: and this is my story, a silent story of my happening life)

Oh by the way,
Did I forget to mention -

I am therefore I dream,
I dream therefore I think.
I think, therefore I do,
I do, therefore I will be!

Do post your comments!